Thanks for sharing, T. I can’t begin to imagine the difference between you and me growing up and our experiences but I’ll tell you that you are not alone in your frustration and anger. We are children of God observing a the result of a fallen world. I’m here for you brother if you ever need to someone to talk to!


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Thanks, Jonny! Appreciate all your support!

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I am thankful that you have realized how thin you had stretched yourself in your attempt to do the right thing and stand up for what is right. I have also found myself in a similar position over these past four years where I realized how much the insanity of the world had consumed me and was turning me into someone I did not want to be. When that happened I had to step back from my attempts to be a voice for justice and good to start doing some self care and see my life and the people directly around me with fresh eyes again. I know how hard this has been for me at times, I cannot imagine how hard it can be for a POC. Rest, see those near you with fresh eyes again, find the joy in life again as it is there even if it is hard to feel, trust in God, make time to relax, and you will be stronger and more resilient for taking the time the time to take care of yourself.

Thank you for being a voice that has helped open my eyes, has taught me a lot, and being someone I deeply respect. I look forward to reading your next post especially after you have taken time to find you again.

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Thanks, Judith! Appreciate all of your support!

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