Jan 28, 2023Liked by Terence Allen

As a retired paramedic/nurse, I am sickened by this, "two Memphis Fire Department paramedics who did not provide him with “proper care.” I have given medical care to murderers, rapists, racists, as well as ordinary citizens without regard for who they were, what race they were, their financial situation, what they did, or how horrible of a person they were. I had a responsibility to respond and provide care to those who called. These paramedics should lose their certification for their actions. I did not have to take an oath to be a paramedic like I did when I became a nurse but I had excellent teachers who stressed I was there to provide the best care I could to everyone I was called to help, nothing less than my best would be acceptable. Of course, I am appalled at what the police officers did and am happy that it appears some sort of justice will be delivered to them despite the fact it will not bring Tyre Nichols back to his family.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Terence Allen

My thoughts. EXACTLY as I read this. As a nurse, I never give a second thought about who I’m treating. It doesn’t matter.

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