Where Are the Fruits of the Spirit
MAGA Christians seem to have forgotten an important tenet of the Christian faith.
Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene are making the meme rounds once again.
This time, this undynamic duo are together, shown heckling and chanting during President Biden’s State of The Union address.
The two are quite proud of their behavior during a speech that is supposed to demonstrate respect and decorum, two personality traits that neither woman can lay honest claim to having.
But to this ordained minister and Christ follower, what I find most curious is that Christians like Boebert, Taylor Greene, the former president, and similar Republicans behave in this manner.
They are quick to proclaim Christian virtues that elevate themselves while casting aspersions on others.
Speedy to use the Bible as their standard and the document by which they live their lives.
Given their Christian faith and dedication to living responsible Christian lives, I’d love to know what they would say about Galatians 5:22-23:
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
Using Boebert, Taylor Green, and certainly the former president, let’s examine their public life against the Fruits of the Spirit:
· Love – For the Republican Party, definitely, but to others? No
· Joy – Harassing and haranguing liberals, People of Color, gun-control advocates brings them joy, but outside of that, not
· Peace – Where did it go?
· Forbearance (aka longsuffering) – Nope
· Kindness – Ha, ha, ha, ha
· Goodness – Invisible
· Faithfulness – Only to their party
· Gentleness – Uh Oh!
· Self-Control – Honey, please!
One of the main tenets of our faith is that those of us who are mature believers will be recognized as Christians by the evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives – the Fruit.
Any Fruit of the Spirit ever possessed by Boebert, Taylor Greene, and especially the former president must have died on the vine a long time ago.