America is a country, but it is also an ideal.
A theoretical place where anyone from anywhere could accomplish anything.
America has been more of an ideal than an actual promised land.
But as imperfect as it is, it will be far removed from an ideal if a would-be dictator is reelected.
His handpicked Supreme Court majority has given him carte blanche if he returns to the presidency.
We cannot allow that to happen.
Again, it must be said it will be either him or Joe Biden as our next president.
No last act candidate is going to save us.
RFK or Cornel West can’t save us because they are not one of the two-party candidates, nor is either of them credible.
Biden is not the candidate who should have been asked to step aside.
The lying, racist, misogynist, nativist candidate is the one who should step aside.
He can’t make America great because he can’t control his own base impulses.
He’s running only because he wants to stay out of jail.
That’s his only agenda.
He is being aided and abetted by christofascists who see this as a chance to remake America.
Remake it into a twisted theocracy that Jesus would neither recognize nor approve.
The Supreme Court justices he appointed, plus corrupt, contemptible holdovers, are practicing hypocrisy with a law license.
They strip personal privacy and freedoms away from citizens, environmental policies to protect our climate, and allow reckless firearms ownership, while simultaneously giving a crooked former president immunity, making a mockery of democracy.
He and his followers neither want nor desire to make anything great.
They want to control women.
They want People of Color to be stripped of all societal rights and privileges.
They want to impose their irreligious beliefs on everyone.
Our society was specifically created to separate faith and government.
It was formed so that people could worship however they wished without fear of mandate.
America is at risk.
Every ideal, pillar, and foundational freedom.
All of it.
The honest among us know that America is more of an ideal than an oasis of freedom.
What matters now is that any hope, any promise of actually being what it pretends to be may die.
We must speak out, agitate, and expose.
But most of all, vote.