The Ukrainian War is Another Example of “Us” vs. “Them”
As they say, "racism never takes a day off." Even during a European war.
I tried so hard not to write this piece.
My voice only carries so far. Yet and still, I didn’t want to write something that takes anything away from the humanitarian crisis that is the Ukrainian invasion by Russia.
But I couldn’t ignore in good conscience the unfortunate fact that regardless of what is going on in the world, you don’t have to look far to find racism in every situation.
As we know now, Ukraine is the example that proves the rule.
First, there are the images and confirmed stories coming from African students attempting to flee Ukraine that they have either been denied access to transportation or made to wait for hours after White Ukrainians were evacuated.
(The U.N. and now Ukraine itself has acknowledged that these reports are true).
Second, the language used by observers and journalists distinguishing this war and refugee crisis with other situations. For example:
"It's very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed." - Ukraine's Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze
"The unthinkable has happened...this is not a developing, third-world nation; this is Europe!" - ITV News correspondent Lucy Watson
“But this isn't a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades. This is a relatively civilized, relatively European — I have to choose those words carefully, too — city, one where you wouldn’t expect that, or hope that it’s going to happen.” – CBS News correspondent Charlie D’Agata, who failed miserably at “choosing his words carefully.”
“What's compelling is, just looking at them, the way they are dressed, these are prosperous…I’m loath to use the expression… middle class people. These are not obviously refugees looking to get away from areas in the Middle East that are still in a big state of war. These are not people trying to get away from areas in North Africa. They look like any European family that you would live next door to.” – English Al Jazeera anchor Peter Dobbie who should have been more “loathe” to use the expression “middle class people.”
If White people realized how soul-numbing, joy-sapping, and spirit killing racism is, they would never deign to be racist.
Yes, I know all of us have racist tendencies that we must acknowledge and overcome, but this isn’t an “everyone is racist” situation.
This is squarely a “some White people are only moved by other White people’s tears and suffering” situation.
White people have warring and killing each other forever, yet, when Whites suffer, it’s understandable and relatable.
When White people are forced from their homes, they aren’t “obviously refugees.”
When White people do to White people what People of color are always being accused of doing, it’s unthinkable.
Because blue-eyed, blond hair lives matter.
And ours obviously don’t.
I very much agree with the point of your essay. I too have noticed the difference in how this invasion is being treated and how the refugees are being treated in comparison with other wars in countries where the people are not primarily fair skinned (white). Please know my deep concern with what is happening in Ukraine is motivated by my brother having made his home there since 1991 when the USSR broke up. He went there to consult with the Ukrainian government on how to form a democratic form of government, he fell in love with the country and its people as well as the work he was doing. He made his home there and continued to consult every since. He married a Ukrainian woman there and has built his life there. While war and the devastation it leaves on the every day people, this war touches me personally because of my brother and his wife. My heart is broken as I hear from him as he and his wife are providing humanitarian aid and trying to help people get out of the country and as I worry for both of their safety because the work he did.
I do think the fact that this war has played out over such a short time, people didn't believe Putin would invade the whole country, it comes across as a David vs Goliath type war because of the military power differences, and the fact that it has played non stop on TV, the newspapers, the internet, and Facebook has been in part the reason it has gotten so much more attention than so many of the other wars going on across the globe. The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan was and is just as horrible. Sadly it did not get the attention that it deserves as the refugees from there are still in desperate need of help. I am deeply sorrow for how some have talked about this war in Ukraine in the terms they have about it "not being a 3rd world country", "It's people with blue eyes that look like us", etc.... Far too many white people are tone deaf when it comes to the racism they speak, I have been guilty of this myself in the course of my life. It has to be exhausting for people of color to constantly hear and see these things. It also has to be exhausting and heartbreaking to point it out when it happens. I am sorry for the pain this causes people of color, I really wish the world would change, that this country would change, that white people would change; it feels like one step forward and two back right now but I believe the words of Theodore Parker in his Third Sermon of Religion,
"Look at the facts of the world. You see a continual and progressive triumph of the right. I do not pretend to understand the moral universe, the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways. I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience. But from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice.
Things refuse to be mismanaged long. Jefferson trembled when he thought of slavery and remembered that God is just. Ere long all America will tremble."
The world is changing, abet slowly, we cannot see when we will ever see the death of racism but I do believe the day is coming although not likely in my lifetime. Take care and know that there are white people who work at being better, fighting their own inherent racism, and fighting for Civil Rights because Civil Rights are human rights and no human should be judged by their perceived skin color.