I wouldn’t tell anyone who to vote for in the upcoming presidential election.
I will say who won’t get my vote.
I’m not voting for the guy who called for the execution of the Central Park Five.
I’m not voting for the person who ran for president because his predecessor made fun of him at the White House Correspondence Dinner.
I’m not voting for the guy who made fun of disabled people.
I’m not voting for the guy who has a long, deep history of racism and misogyny.
Even though I’m a Christian, I’m not voting for the one who claims he upholds Christian values, even though he’s a serial adulterer, never actually goes to church, and displays none of the fruits of the Spirit.
I’m not voting for the guys who refers to African nations as “sh—hole countries.”
I’m not casting a ballot for the guy who disparages American war heroes but idolizes foreign dictators.
I’m not standing in a long line without being able to drink a cup of water to vote for someone whose party is making it harder for me to vote.
I’m not voting for the person who has promised to be a dictator, but “only on day one.”
I’m not going to vote for someone who is incapable of displaying love, compassion, or empathy.
I’m not going to vote for someone who repays disagreements with insults.
I’m know that even the worst presidents can look, sound, and appear presidential, even when their policies are evil, and their values abhorrent.
Except this guy.
The former president is a lot of things.
One thing he isn’t is presidential.
I am right there with you. I don't understand how so many people who claim to be Christian can be enthralled with a man who is the antithesis of Christ.