Rolling Stone magazine got wind of Republican Party talking points about the recent spate of gun violence.
Here is a sample of what internal memos suggested to GOP candidates to use as talking points when the subject is broached:
"Stay cool. Run out the clock. Scare some gun nuts while you can. But don’t worry: this moment will be over soon.”
"Ignore guns, talk inflation."
Former Trump aide and Republican strategist Stephen Chung spoke about the advice he’s giving to the party’s congressional candidates:
“My advice to any Republican candidate would be to not let the moment dictate any political action that may have unintended consequences that leads to widespread gun confiscation. Defend the Second Amendment because that’s where the base is but offer tangible solutions like hardening of schools and more funding for mental health.”
Finally, another unnamed consultant said
"The media will start chasing something else soon, and [Republicans] should stick to talking about the issues that affect voters’ lives most … and I’m sorry to say, guns aren’t topping the list."
To recap,
The message is…
Change the subject.
The message is…
Offer “tangible solutions” that won’t actually save lives.
The message is…
Bide your time, wait the media and the public out, because eventually, something else will control the news cycle, and we’ll forget.
Forget about the carnage.
The literal blood and guts.
The lives lost.
The pain and anguish of survivors and bereaved loved ones.
The message is to ignore the problem because the solution doesn’t fit our narrative.
The NRA paymasters won’t stand for the truth.
They are counting on us forgetting.
Until it happens again.
And then the thoughts and prayer cycle will begin anew.
That’s one message.
What message do you want to send about gun violence?
What are you prepared to do to stop the madness?