“Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? … Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? … These are fair questions, and the answer to all of them is ‘no.’ Vladimir Putin didn't do any of that. So, why does permanent Washington hate him so much?”
Tucker Carlson – Fox News Network
You can call Fox News Network a lot of things.
You can call it a mix of faux news and entertainment.
You can call it a toady for America’s extreme right-wing.
You can call it the most embarrassingly successful excuse for journalism that we have ever had in this country.
You can call it a propaganda tool for fascism and totalitarianism.
But you can’t with any honesty call it a news organization.
The quote above, from its most visible personality, demonstrates the depths to which the company has sunk to legitimize a tyrant’s hostile takeover of a peaceful country.
There hasn’t been a vestige of responsible journalism coming from Fox since…never really, but the Kremlin official propaganda network RT could take instruction from some of the remarks coming from Fox mouthpieces.
One would usually expect political commentary to have some semblance of logic and coherence and would fit in with responsible remarks that would offer empathy for a region that has long been the object of Russian subjugation.
Sadly, similar commentary is coming from the worst that American public opinion has to offer. Reactionary commentator and Carlson crony Alex Jones said after watching a recent Putin speech,
“It’s so weird to tune into a world leader and just truth’s coming out.”
The fact that Russian media is using Fox commentary to bolster Putin’s action are all you need to know about how their “news coverage and commentary” are perceived.
Meanwhile, Fox’s other well-known fertilizer salesperson, Sean Hannity, is trying to convince viewers that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is related to George Soros and Hunter Biden:
“But I mean, think about it. He has relationships with Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, China. China, you know -- pick the day when the communist Chinese -- very reeling today, Taiwan's not the same as Ukraine because Taiwan's always been a part of China. That's their way of saying "We're taking it," and flying jet aircraft over it, fighter aircraft over Taiwan airspace. But you've hit on something that I've been saying for a long time…I think the Biden family syndicate is up to its eyeballs in pay-to-play corruption and nobody cares because their last name isn't Trump.”
Speaking of the former president (who himself is fond enough of the Russian dictator that any day know he might reveal a heart tattoo that says “Donald Loves Vlad”) is continually appearing on Fox to say “how smart and savvy” Putin is for sending a “peacekeeping force” to Ukraine.
It was bad enough that Fox has been an unending apologist for Trump’s incendiary and insurrectionally fatal rhetoric. They were created by and for Republicans, and as the Party itself has drifted squarely to the land of Flat Earth theories and Jewish Space Lasers, Fox has followed this crowd and spoon-fed it the most rancid, emetic drivel.
Fox being the official Trump News Network was inexcusable.
Fox helping Trump to whip the “steal the vote” lunatics was treason. They are as complicit as anyone outside of Trump and his Congressional lackeys.
But domestic treason wasn’t enough for Fox.
Now, they are firmly, intractably, inexcusably engaged in international treason.
They are providing aid and shelter to a megalomaniacal dictator who won’t stop with Ukraine.
He’ll keep going until he’s removed from power by his own people, or by a World War.
And Fox “News Network” will assist him every step of the way.
Somewhere in hell, Hitler and Mussolini are licking their chops wishing that they had been so fortunate.