I wonder how White voters who have friends and loved ones who are People of Color, women, LGBTQIA, poor, and middle class, or voters who belong to one of these groups themselves can justify their support of the former president.
The rally consciously imitated the Nazi rally held there in 1939. The only thing missing at this weekend’s rally was the 1939 decorations which included a picture of George Washington surrounded by swastikas.
A “comedian” named Kill Tony Hinchcliffe warmed up the crowd with remarks like the following:
"I don't know if you guys know this, but there's literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. Yeah. I think it's called Puerto Rico."
"Believe it or not, people, I welcome migrants to the United States of America with open arms. And by open arms, I mean like this: (Hinchcliffe waves his hands and mouths "No, go back.")”
Black guy with a thing on his head. What the hell is that, a lamp shade? Look at this guy! Oh, my goodness. Wow! I'm just kidding, that's one of my buddies. He had a Halloween party last night. We had fun, we carved watermelons together. It was awesome!"
Jewish radio commentator Sid Rosenberg remarked:
"I just got back from Israel about two weeks ago. They love Trump in Israel. Just you know, they love him.”
"I get back and they go, 'Sid, you want to speak at this MSG thing?' I go, 'Sure—out of character for me to speak at a Nazi rally. I was just in Israel.' But I took the gig."
(When a Jewish speaker refers to the event he’s speaking at as a “Nazi rally,” all that’s left is to look for Rod Serling and listen for “The Twilight Zone” theme)
Senior Trump aide Stephen Miller:
“America is for Americans and Americans only!”
(Who’s going to tell Melania and Elon?)
Other speakers included Tucker Carlson, who recently helped to justify antisemitism by conducting an interview with a Holocaust denier, Dr. Phil McGraw, and Hulk Hogan.
Racism, nativism, and sexism were on full display.
Any Black, Latino, Asian, Jewish, LGBTQIA, female, immigrants, poor, or middle- class voters casting their ballot for the former president are making choices that defy logic and common sense.
There is scant room for logic and common sense in the Republican campaign.
This campaign is not hiding its open contempt for groups who daily deal with discrimination.
Not only is the campaign not attempting to hide their prejudices, but they are hog wallowing in them.
Decent people must ask themselves if this is acceptable in America.
Those who spoke at the rally and the attendees who found the rally’s rhetoric acceptable have already answered the question.
And we must never let them win.