I don’t know Nancy Mace, the South Carolina Republican who is sponsoring a bill making it illegal for transgendered people to use a bathroom other than one for their assigned sex at birth.
I don’t know Sarah McBride, the transgender Delaware Democrat who is an incoming congress member and the target of Mace’s bill.
This is what I do know.
I know people are afraid that Ms. McBride is trying to prey on cisgendered women.
I know that Nancy Mace thinks she is protecting people.
I know Nancy Mace says she “strongly support LGBTQ rights and equality,” and “no one should be discriminated against."
I know what hypocrisy looks and sounds like.
Nancy Mace is a Christian and she thinks this is what Jesus would want her to do.
I’m a Christian and I think people like Nancy Mace should mind their own business.
Jesus loved everybody, and not in that contemptible “love the sinner, hate the sin” way, but loved people, period.
He loves Sarah McBride as much as he loves Nancy Mace.
Those who consider Sarah McBride a sinner are also sinners.
These people should concentrate on their walk with God and let Sarah McBride live her life.
The same people who describe America as a place of freedom and liberty are the first ones who try to curtail the freedom and liberty of people different than them.
The same people against making laws securing freedom and liberty for People of Color, women, and LGBTQIA+ people are in favor of passing laws like the one proposed by Ms. Mace.
The great paradox of oppression is that where it exists, no one is free. Neither the oppressed, nor the oppressor is free.
Those who oppress others are themselves enslaved.
They must remain forever vigilant to keep the “other” oppressed.
They cannot rest or be comfortable because their vigilance demands they be mindful of those seeking justice.
Everyone is free when everyone is treated equally, not in theory, but under the law.
Nancy Mace wants to curtail Sarah McBride’s freedom.
Nancy Mace is not free and never will be free unless she recognizes Sarah McBride’s rights.
The double-edged swords of racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia will continue to cut down both the attacked and attackers.
SO GOOD, Brother T.