It has taken almost a week before I was ready to write about what has transpired.
I must begin by expressing my eternal gratitude to President Joe Biden.
I can’t let this moment pass without saying how grateful I am that he is our president.
His stepping aside so that Kamala Harris can be the party’s standard bearer is one of the most courageous, selfless political acts any of us will ever witness.
The treatment he’s received at the hands of party officials, Hollywood bigwigs, and the American media has been disgraceful and contemptible.
Discussing this treatment of Biden requires its own time and space.
For now, I choose to celebrate the possibility of the first Black female President of the United States.
Kamala Harris has always been a formidable political force.
Her presence at the top of the ticket has reenergized the party and effectively derailed any momentum achieved by the former president.
The “he’s too old and addled” rhetoric thrown at Biden has given way to racist, sexist twaddle that conveys the GOP’s core belief that a woman, particularly a Black woman, can’t be qualified to be president.
Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade made reference to the Vice President having been in a “colored sorority.” He later said he meant to say, “college sorority.”
Next thing you know, he will accidentally call her a “pickaninny.”
We’re being told that Vice President Harris is unqualified. These are the same people who voted for a candidate whose qualifications were being famous and rich.
Those are still his only qualifications.
He had not held political office before the presidency.
As a convicted felon thirty-times over, he’s even less qualified.
He’s not a statesman.
He’s not thoughtful, articulate, or reasonable.
He’s not intelligent, honest, or dependable.
He is dependably racist, misogynistic, and nativist.
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is a former San Francisco District Attorney.
A former California Attorney General.
A former US Senator.
The current Vice President of the United States.
The nasty political climate that began when Obama was a presidential candidate will continue.
It’s been ugly and it will get uglier.
But Black people and women are used to being marginalized and insulted.
But there are many of us that realize what’s at stake.
This is not a typical political contest.
It’s both a moral and ethical disagreement, and more than that.
This election will decide whether the tenets this republic were built upon will be maintained or discarded.
Tenets like separation of church and state.
Tenets like liberty and justice for all.
These tenets have been little more than lip service throughout this nation’s history. Even so, these are ideals worth fighting to preserve.
Our fight is not one waged with gunfire, but at the ballot box.
The choice is clear despite the change in candidates.
In this election, we will vote to maintains a semblance of freedom for everyone.
Or only for some.
Kamala Harris is one of the most qualified Presidential candidates we have seen in a long time. She is who I backed in the primaries for 2020. That is not to say I don't love and respect President Biden whose life of public service has helped make our country better.
I cannot express the overwhelming joy and sadness that I felt when President Biden chose country over politics and handed the torch to VP Harris. Sadness for President Biden and joy at the opportunity in front of us. I rarely cry but tears fell that day. I quickly messaged my long time friend and ex boss to express my joy and hope about the real possibility that we would soon see America's first Black woman President. My friend happens to be a Black woman and I felt excited that she might see the second Black American as President in her lifetime. We need more people in that office who reflect the diversity of this country rather than just a bunch of old white men. My friend was overjoyed and overwhelmed like myself.
This felt so surreal and infused hope, joy, and laughter back into our country. I absolutely love the joy that VP Harris exudes. It is sad that the other side can only try to tear her down with racist, sexist, and hateful rhetoric because they know they can't win with experience, qualifications, or policy so all they have left is their hatred and fear. I will continue to pick love and joy over hatred and racism. I am so happy to see and hear from other people who are overjoyed at the opportunity that has been handed to us. I know I will be doing everything in my power to help elect soon to be our first Madam President Harris.