What do you say about the artist formerly known as Kanye West?
Now known as Ye, he hosted an impromptu Paris fashion show wearing a “White Lives Matter” t-shirt.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, he posed for pictures with Black right-wing darling Candace Owens, who was also wearing the aforementioned t-shirt.
And to triple down on his antics, he declared on social media that Black Lives Matter
“Was a scam. Now it’s over.”
Normally, all of this would be enough to start tossing around a lot of judgmental insults.
I might want to call him a sellout, Uncle Tom, and an embarrassment.
I would usually say that this incident, combined with his support for the former Racist-in-Chief, posing with him at the White House wearing a MAGA hat, and wearing a jacket with the Confederate Flag on it, is enough to rate his cancellation from anyone who isn’t a White Supremacist.
And actually, I am saying all those things.
But the usual accompanying anger is missing in his case.
Because Kanye West is mentally ill.
Candace Owens has no excuse whatsoever. Whether she believes the bull she’s selling (which is doubtful), or whether she’s legitimately sold her soul to the twin devils of self-hatred and White pandering (quite possible), she knows exactly what’s she’s doing.
She has enough issues to keep Freud, Jung, and Dr. Phil busy for 24/7/365.
But Kanye is legitimately disturbed.
· He’s admitted to suffering from anxiety and depression
· He was once hospitalized for hallucinations and paranoia
· He’s had a nervous breakdown
· He says he has suicidal ideation
· He says he has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder
We know that many creatives, and particularly incredibly famous and successful creatives struggle with sanity.
Well, Kanye isn’t struggling with sanity.
He’s lost it.
He needs to be committed to an institution for his wellbeing and for the wellbeing of his loved ones and friends.
I’m disgusted with what he’s said and done.
But Kanye is sick.
He has my prayers and my pity and not much else.